
Showing posts from May, 2023

Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP)

Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) therapy has gained popularity as a non-surgical hair restoration treatment in recent years. PRP therapy involves using a patient’s own blood to stimulate hair growth in areas of hair loss. This treatment has been used for various medical purposes for many years and has been found to be effective in stimulating hair growth in individuals suffering from hair loss. PRP therapy is a simple and safe procedure that involves drawing a small amount of the patient’s blood, spinning it in a centrifuge to isolate the platelets and growth factors, and then injecting the PRP back into the scalp. The platelets and growth factors in PRP stimulate the hair follicles, leading to increased hair growth and improved hair thickness. The process of PRP treatment is simple and painless. The patient’s blood is drawn and placed in a centrifuge to separate the platelet-rich plasma from the other blood components. Once the PRP is isolated, it is injected into the scalp using a thin ne